JAMP Pharma Group Announces the Commercial Launch and Availability of Pr JAMP Ipratropium HFA

- JAMP Pharma Group launches Ipratropium HFA, offering the only generic alternative in Canada to the reference product PrAtrovent® HFA (marketed in Canada by Boehringer Ingelheim).
- With the launch of PrJAMP Ipratropium HFA, the JAMP Pharma Group, a leader in product launches1, broadens its respiratory health offering, giving healthcare professionals and patients better access to more affordable and high-quality medicines.
- Established in 1988 in Canada, JAMP Pharma Group is helping to improve access in a market with limited supply of a drug whose complex production requires cutting-edge expertise.
BOUCHERVILLE, QC, August 16, 2024 – The JAMP Pharma Group, a Canadian pharmaceutical organization based in the Montreal area, is proud to announce the launch of PrJAMP Ipratropium HFA in Canada, a generic alternative to Boehringer Ingelheim’s reference product PrAtrovent® HFA. PrJAMP Ipratropium HFA is indicated as a bronchodilator for the maintenance treatment of bronchospasm associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including chronic bronchitis and emphysema2. In line with the JAMP Pharma Group’s commitment to sustainable development and the needs of its hospital market customers, JAMP Ipratropium HFA is formulated with a propellant gas that has a lower global warming potential than earlier generations of inhalers using CFCs3, as well as a carbon footprint similar to that of the reference product4,5.
As a proudly Canadian company, we are driven by the desire to develop products that support our healthcare professionals and meet the specific needs of their patients,” says Louis Pilon, President and CEO of JAMP Pharma Group. “The launch of PrJAMP Ipratropium HFA iperfectly illustrates this commitment. This first generic option in Canada offers economic advantages for hospitals and supply systems. With our expertise in developing and commercializing generic drugs, the JAMP Pharma Group is proud to contribute to improving access to quality healthcare for Canadian COPD patients.”
COPD in Canada
In 2011-2012, it was estimated that over 2 million Canadians were living with a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)6. This chronic, progressive disease causes coughing, shortness of breath and sputum production, mainly affecting the population aged 35 and over. In addition, close to a million Canadians unknowingly suffer from COPD. It is the second leading cause of hospitalization in Canada and the third leading cause of death worldwide7. The arrival of this generic alternative, in an equally effective and more affordable version, will give patients better access to this therapy and generate savings for healthcare systems and drug plans.
Strength and format offered:
PrJAMP Ipratropium HFA (DIN: 02542587) is available in the following packaging:
- 20 mcg / measured dose: pump containing 200 measured doses
About JAMP Pharma Group
JAMP Pharma Group is a Canadian organization headquartered in Boucherville, in the greater Montreal area. Having experienced exceptional growth over the past ten years, Groupe JAMP Pharma is present in all segments of the pharmaceutical market, with a portfolio of close to molecules and is one of the industry leaders in annual prescription volume1. With over 130 new products authorized for sale by Health Canada in the last three years, the JAMP Pharma Group is the Canadian leader in product launches1, enhancing the new treatment options available in Canada, including many specialty drugs. The addition of a new local manufacturing site supports JAMP Pharma Group’s vision of becoming the largest Canadian-owned pharmaceutical company.
In addition to its generic division, the JAMP Pharma Group has several divisions, such as Orimed, BioJAMP, Wampole, Laboratoire Suisse and Cosmetic Import, offering prescription and branded products, biosimilars, 180 over-the-counter products and a wide range of vitamins, supplements and natural health products. The JAMP CareTM patient support program is designed to help patients and healthcare professionals take the specialty drugs and biosimilars offered by the JAMP Pharma Group.
Informations :
Alexandra Lewicki
Senior Director, Marketing and Communications
1 Based on internal data.
2 Product Monograph, PrJAMP Ipratropium HFA, available on the Health Canada website: https://pdf.hres.ca/dpd_pm/00073101.PDF
3 Panigone S, Sandri F, Ferri R, et al Environmental impact of inhalers for respiratory diseases: decreasing the carbon footprint while preserving patient-tailored treatment BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2020;7:e000571. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2020-000571
4 https://www.bcpharmacy.ca/tablet/summer-23/measuring-impact-metered-dose-inhalers-british-columbia
5 Data on file; CO2 emission JAMP Ipratropium HFA inhaler.
6 Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Canada, 2018, available on Health Canada’s website: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/diseases-conditions/asthma-chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease-canada-2018.html
7 What is COPD? | Canadian Lung Association: https:// https://www.lung.ca/lung-health/lung-diseases/chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease-copd/what-copd